Re: [bitfolk] How to handle unresponsive customers with issu…

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Author: Paul Lewis
To: G. Miliotis
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] How to handle unresponsive customers with issues that cannot be ignored
I would vote for option 2) as well. It's pretty common that if you breach terms of service, your service gets discontinued, temporarily or permanently. For example on AWS if your instances are found to be part of a DDoS attack, the instances are immediately ring fenced on the network until the owner can be spoken to and corrective action can be taken. I also think that suspending all networking on the VPS, i.e. the service they are paying you for, will be the most effective way of getting their attention.

Kind regards,

Sent from my iPad. Please excuse brevity, spelling and punctuation.

On 15 Dec 2016, at 21:13, G. Miliotis <corfiot@???<>> wrote:

On 15/12/2016 17:20, Andy Smith wrote:
a) After at least 21 days of sending email alerts to the main
contact and the emergency contact and receiving no response, a
firewall rule will be added to block the problematic service and
an invoice will be raised for a managed firewall service, which
will be a monthly recurring charge. This will be quite expensive.


b) After at least 21 days of sending email alerts to the main
contact and the emergency contact and receiving no response, the
VPS's networking will be suspended. Networking will be re-enabled
when contact is re-established and a plan for securing the
problem service is agreed by both BitFolk and the customer.

I personally prefer (a) with sms notification but I think overall (b) would be more effective for you. Charging people who don't monitor contact emails would probably mean they won't see the invoice either. Then, when you eventually manually hunt them down or their contract term ends, they'll have a mountain of debt and will probably dispute it.

I would expect that it must be stressed more prominently to the customers that it's their responsibility to keep their information up-to-date and what will happen if they don't. Maybe a periodical stock email reminder "is your information up-to-date? go here to check". You could piggy-back some kind of mini-newsletter on that, too. E.g. the xen fixes.


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