Re: [bitfolk] VPN's and extra IP's

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Author: Andy Smith
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] VPN's and extra IP's
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Hey there list,

I'd be grateful if someone could recommend please a front-end for iptables?
Arno's iptables seems well-regarded.

I've set up some basic iptables rules on my VPS that allow/block various
ports etc but want to be able to use iptable's state module too and would
like to use a script that's been proved through use.

Thanks in advance for any help/ideas.


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Hey there list,<div><br></div><div>I&#39;d be grateful if someone could rec=
ommend please a front-end for iptables? Arno&#39;s iptables seems well-rega=
rded.</div><div><br></div><div>I&#39;ve set up some basic iptables rules on=
my VPS that allow/block various ports etc but want to be able to use iptab=
le&#39;s state module too and would like to use a script that&#39;s been pr=
oved through use.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Thanks in advance for any help/ideas.</div><div><br></d=


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