Two bugs¹ have been discovered in Xen which have serious security
implications, therefore we must patch and reboot every host before
the security advisory comes out of embargo at 12:00Z on 2 May.
We'll be sending out notifications shortly to let you know the exact
window in which the reboot will take place for your VPS(es), but
this is just a short note to let you know that the work will most
likely be taking place in the early hours (UK) of 30 April, 1 May
and 2 May.
A reminder that if you wish you can have your VPS suspended to and
then restored from storage, instead of shut down and booted:
¹ XSA-213 and XSA-215 - http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
Approximately 8 hours ago we were made aware that Cross-Site Request
Forgery (CSRF) could be used to trick a logged-in user of the
BitFolk Panel at https://panel.bitfolk.com/ into carrying out
changes that could allow their account to be compromised.
As there was no checking that requests actually came from forms
generated on the panel site, if a logged-in user was tricked into
submitting an HTTP request from elsewhere then they could
change sensitive details about their account such as:
- Adding SSH keys for console access
- Altering contact email address
- Invalidating/Disabling two factor authentication
- Enabling email password reset, if it was disabled
We have no evidence that any of these actions have ever been carried
out maliciously, but aside from reports we would have no way of
knowing, so we would advise that all customers log in to their Panel
account and check that the list of SSH keys is as they expect.
All of the forms on the sensitive pages, which include everything
* https://panel.bitfolk.com/account/security/
* https://panel.bitfolk.com/account/contacts/
were today secured against CSRF so there is now no way to use this
technique to compromise an account. The vulnerability would have
been there ever since the Panel site existed, or the relevant
features were added.
The remaining forms, which only cover fairly trivial informational
items, will be fixed as soon as possible. You can track that work at
our tracker:
* https://tools.bitfolk.com/redmine/issues/156
Thanks must go to Dominic Cleal <https://m0dlx.com/> who responsibly
disclosed the problem to us today and has assisted with testing of
our fixes.
More general information about CSRF:
* https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)
If you have any further questions please do let us know by replying
to the users list (users(a)lists.bitfolk.com) or to
support(a)bitfolk.com if you need to discuss anything specific to your
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
A bug¹ has been discovered in Xen which has serious security
implications, therefore we must patch and reboot every host before
the security advisor comes out of embargo on 4 April.
We'll be sending out notifications shortly to let you know the exact
window in which the reboot will take place for your VPS(es), but
this is just a short note to let you know that the work will most
likely be taking place in the early hours (UK) of 30 March, 31 March
and 1 April.
A reminder that if you wish you can have your VPS suspended to and
then restored from storage, instead of shut down and booted:
¹ XSA-212 - http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting