Google are shutting down their Checkout payment platform as of 20th
November 2013, so BitFolk will stop accepting payments that way
around 12th November.
As you may be aware if you are following the other list¹, credit card
payments are now available.
I suggest that refugees from Google Checkout pay by this means in
future, and it would be great if everyone else paying by anything
other than Direct Debit would consider it also.
The initial implementation requires you to input card details every
time and I do understand that is a major usability downside, so we
will improve that as soon as we can to have storage and continuous
authority as *options*.
The credit card payments are going through https://stripe.com/ with
the card details being passed between your browser and Stripe using
JavaScript. All BitFolk gets is a unique token that we use with
Stripe to kick off the payment, so we're not seeing or storing your
card details at any point.
Here's some more info about payment methods that are supported:
¹ http://lists.bitfolk.com/lurker/message/20131021.081408.6fc996c8.en.html
http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting