Re: [bitfolk] 2014-11-26 ~1432Z: Problem with kwak.bitfolk.c…

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Author: Ian
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] 2014-11-26 ~1432Z: Problem with, and IPv6 (all hosts)
Dom Latter said:

> I'll say it again: for People Like Me, this sort of transparent
> and honest communication with customers, affected or not, is
> a *far* more effective Marketing Tool than some sort of bogus
> "100% SLA" [2].

Yes. From an email to Andy over five years ago:

"Incidentally, one of the things that made me go, 'yes, this is the
right decision' is the readable archive of the mailing list. ... Here, I
can see that stuff happens occasionally, but there's an openness about it."
