I wouldn't normally, but 'twas first hit in Google for SPF generator;
according to Microsoft's SPF Record Wizard (
you don't have an SPF record for alertferret.com
They claim you need:-
v=spf1 mx mx:mail.wiggly.org -all
Kind regards
Murray Crane
On 30 July 2013 17:46, Andy Smith <andy@???> wrote:
> Hi Nigel,
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 05:39:40PM +0100, Nigel Rantor wrote:
> > Any help, ideas, thoughts or further resources would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Surely Hotmail and Gmail would be best placed to describe their own
> policies on email filtering?
> Yeah, I know: they probably just ignored you or pointed you to a
> knowledge base document that did not answer your question. That's
> probably the best you're going to get, I'm afraid. Absent an actual
> blacklist report anything else is just technofolklore - when we pray
> to the email God and sacrifice the black goat, email is deliver good.
> This thread was on a similar topic and had a similar non-outcome:
> http://lists.bitfolk.com/lurker/message/20130626.122040.2e8cbe5c.en.html
> Cheers,
> Andy
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