Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters

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Author: Nigel Rantor
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters
On 30/07/13 17:46, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi Nigel,
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 05:39:40PM +0100, Nigel Rantor wrote:
>> Any help, ideas, thoughts or further resources would be greatly appreciated.
> Surely Hotmail and Gmail would be best placed to describe their own
> policies on email filtering?

Well, I already started looking at this on gmail a few weeks ago, and
yes, I couldn't find anyone, just vague support articles.

Looking again now though I see a new thing in their support sections,
DMARC, which I had not heard of before.

> Yeah, I know: they probably just ignored you or pointed you to a
> knowledge base document that did not answer your question. That's
> probably the best you're going to get, I'm afraid. Absent an actual
> blacklist report anything else is just technofolklore - when we pray
> to the email God and sacrifice the black goat, email is deliver good.
> This thread was on a similar topic and had a similar non-outcome:

Thanks, I will be rooting around and trying any/every thing I can find
from the list and other sources.

As a bit of an update it *might* be the case for gmail that after having
4-6 friends unmark messages from the domain as spam other people who
have never seen the domain in the inbox are getting delivered directly
now...which is nice...I will keep the list up to date if I find anything

