Re: [bitfolk] IPv6 reverse DNS

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Author: Alexander Mann
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IPv6 reverse DNS
Thanks, all, for your help so far.

I've decided to set up bind on my VPS and use that to serve PTR records for my IPv6 address.

This is what've I done so far but I'm not familiar with bind. Is this right? How do I test it?

My IP block is 2001:ba8:1f1:f1fc::/64 and my IP is 2001:ba8:1f1:f1fc::2

- I've set up bind
- I've added a bit to named.conf.local
- I've created the file /etc/bind/zones/2001.ba8.1f1.f1fc-db

Thanks again,


named.conf.local looks like this:

// Do any local configuration here

// Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
// organization
//include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/2001.ba8.1f1.f1fc-db";

zones/2001.ba8.1f1.f1fc-db looks like this:

; 2001:ba8:1f1:f1fc::/64
; Zone file built with the IPv6 Reverse DNS zone builder
$TTL 1h ; Default TTL
@       IN      SOA    alex@??? (
        2013030602      ; serial
        1h              ; slave refresh interval
        15m             ; slave retry interval
        1w              ; slave copy expire time
        1h              ; NXDOMAIN cache time

; domain name servers
@       IN      NS

; IPv6 PTR entries    IN    PTR