Re: [bitfolk] Finding out old IP users

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Author: Taavi Ilves
CC: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Finding out old IP users
Hello Paul,

On Fri, May 25, 2012 14:54, Stuart Sears wrote:

> postfix for SMTP [along with amavisd + clamav + postgrey + spamassassin=

> dovecot for IMAP both of these use an openldap backend for authenticati=

> and virtual accounts.

I have roughly the same setup as this, but with the following variations:

* MailScanner instead of amavisd (see for the
skinny on this excellent Perl-based solution)
* MySQL instead of OpenLDAP
* Postfix Admin web frontend to tie everything together, since I use my
setup for hosting multiple domains (see for this)
* Both Roundcube and Squirrelmail. I like both, Roundcube is like Stuart
says really ajaxy and pretty. Squirrel Mail looks positively stone-age in
comparison, but I find that I tend to lean more towards it due to it's
powerful and useful plugins.

Jan Henkins

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