Something that impressed me in recent years is native support for
streaming mp4 within browser, provided the codec used is nothing too exotic.
You could have a very simple page with a folder (or tree, as required)
and a basic front end web page. The front end web page could be static
(hard to maintain for lots of videos) or written in a simple scripting
language (PHP would be my choice, but there are plenty of options) which
would simply parse the file tree, follow the structure, and show links
to videos laid out in a nice (or as nice as you have time for) interface.
Then, the user would simply click on any of the video files, and
assuming they are mp4 they will stream to the browser and can be very
easily watched by the user, no plugins/addons or flash viewers required.
This also has the advantage of sharing the source file, and assuming you
are sharing with trusted family and friends and have no wish to restrict
them, I would think they would appreciate (I know I would) the ability
to right click on the links and download the source mp4 files so they
can watch them later or on other devices.
I appreciate that this does not support multiple bitstreams for low
bandwidth viewing, but again, if a user on a slow link can right click
and download the file, wait an hour, and watch at full resolution from
local source, my vote is that this is a better end user experience than
being forced onto a chunky low bandwidth stream. Back in the day when
YouTube supported it, you could queue up several videos in tabs and wait
for them to buffer and then watch them at your leisure - the modern
system allows no such thing.
I also appreciate that you may not be willing to code an interface for
this, but it will be an excellent project for a beginner. Maybe there is
someone else in the family keen to get into programming? As an
experienced programmer, I assure you it will be dead simple to do: just
use a recursive function to parse the folder tree, find files with .mp4
extensions, and keep track of the folder depth so the HTML+CSS can
indent the display for the user. The visual display can evolve over time
and could start out very basic (just <p> tags) and become fancier as
If you are adventurous then you could also support thumbnails and
different bitrate streams. The way I would do this is to process things
once, offline, rather than expecting PHP (or similar) to handle video
nicely on the server. I would use a Linux command line program to
convert the entire video collection to a low bandwidth format, and then
store it in a separate (but same structure) file tree alongside the
master copy. Likewise for thumbnails.
Finally, if you are on Apache (I know other servers also mimic this
behaviour) you can easily restrict access using .htaccess directives and
credentials stored in .htpasswd. Writing a login system using sessions
is probably not realistic for a beginner (but prove me wrong! I
absolutely encourage coders to get into this stuff) but basic HTTP
authentication has been standard in all browsers for decades now, and
for small user groups works exactly as advertised.
Anyway, just my $0.02 and best of luck with your project. I hope your
family appreciate your efforts, I'm working on digitising the family
photo archive at the moment and at times it can feel like a thankless task.
Kind regards,
On 31/7/22 20:30, Andy Smith via BitFolk Users wrote:
On Sun, Jul 31, 2022 at 05:02:42PM +0100, William Wright via BitFolk Users wrote:
I had a quick look around and stumbled upon
Mediagoblin ( I might try this.
I've not tried any of this myself as I tend to just share non-public
things by Dropbox, but I've heard people have success with Dropbox
alternatives like ownCloud, NextCloud and Seafile.
If serving off your VPS you might find the storage costs a bit high.
We have archive storage which might be suitable (0.1x cost of SSD),
or you could have one of those solutions serve objects from Amazon
S3 or compatible object storage.
I've also found quite good for low cost dedicated servers
with large amounts of storage, though with some caveats:
- Don't try to send email from there
- Support isn't great, but gets there in the end
- Expect components of "servers" to be desktop-grade, not server-grade
- Out of band access involves them attaching a network-accessible
device to the server, which is chargeable on a per-use basis
- If you end up having a drive die they will reboot your server to
replace it, even if hot swap should work. And the replacement
drive will be refurb, not new.
So not really suitable for "missing critical" uses, but acceptable
for many.
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