Hi All,
Not sure if this is a valid thing to post here. Bit long sorry.
I have a VPS running Virtualmin on Centos 8 here no probs:
Linux version 5.7.10-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64 (mockbuild@072389ed160c4f05a56ad0894a89bf2f) (gcc version 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5) (GCC), GNU ld version 2.30-73.el8)
I have a new VPS in New Zealand with a good supplier (call it NZS) - only a few levels behind Andy :-)
When I set up Virtualmin on a new VPS there on CentOS 8, Virtualmin does not work.
Linux version 4.19.144-rh174-20200910010734.xenU.x86_64 (tomcat(a)ci.build.***hosting.com) (gcc version 8.3.0 (Debian 8.3.0-6))
NZS has option to change kernel in their excellent customer control panel:
Kernel Architecture Comments
default-4.14.xenU.x86_64 x86_64 After a VM reboot, use the latest kernel in the 4.14.197-rh229-20200910022519.xenU.x86_64 series.
default-4.19.xenU.x86_64 x86_64 After a VM reboot, use the latest kernel in the 4.19.144-rh174-20200910010734.xenU.x86_64 series. Booted on 4.19.144-rh174-20200910010734.xenU.x86_64
default-5.4.xenU.x86_64 x86_64 After a VM reboot, use the latest kernel in the 5.4.64-rh70-20200910022002.xenU.x86_64 series.
4.14.197-rh229-20200910022519.xenU.x86_64 x86_64 lts kernel
4.19.144-rh174-20200910010734.xenU.x86_64 x86_64 lts kernel, for both 64bit and 32bit installs
5.4.64-rh70-20200910022002.xenU.x86_64 x86_64 lts kernel, for both 64bit and 32bit installs
VM installed kernel via PV Grub 4.7.2.pv-grub.x86_64 x86_64 64bit only. Lets you boot your own kernel.
I switched to the 5.4 and no difference.
I got onto NZS support with this message:
I want to run Virtualmin under Centos 8 on my new VPS.
(Currently I have a VPS running Virtualmin under Centos 7.)
I have reinstalled a few times, full vps and also virtualmin manually and from your install package, and tried various things but get these issues:
• SuExec cannot be used to run PHP scripts in CGI or FCGId modes : The Suexec command on your system is configured to only run scripts under /var/www, but the Virtualmin virtual server home directory is /home. CGI scripts run as domain owners will not be executed.
• The following PHP-FPM versions cannot be used : 7.2.24 (Apache module mod_proxy is missing or not enabled)
My searches finally turned up this:
Q. "I installed manually or using packages from a third party source, and I have the following error after install: "The Suexec command on your system is configured to only run scripts under /var/www, but the Virtualmin virtual server home directory is /home. CGI and PHP scripts run as domain owners will not be executed”
A. The Apache suexec command on your system is misconfigured for use in a virtual hosting environment, and needs to be recompiled or configured (on systems that provide a configurable suexec command) with the docroot set to /home. On Debian/Ubuntu systems, you can install the apache2-suexec-custom package, and modify /etc/apache2/www-data to include /home. On other systems, you will need to recompile the Apache package or the suexec binary. Or, you can use our automated install script, which insures a correctly configured suexec binary is installed.
Am I on the right track here, and can you please help with suexec problem?
Reply from NZS (wihtin 4 hours)
" After a quick look through, this is more than just a couple bugs. There are some seriously broken things by default and it does not work, and is not easily fixable.
Things that do not work out of the box are
1. Dav - easily disabled and not used often (HF: don’t care abotu this myself)
2. PHPFCGID - suexec. you need to use this or PHP-FPM, this is broken because the chroot is /var/www
3. php-FPM - this is the deal breaker, it needs mod_proxy, but even when enabled it fails to detect it , so that does not work
At this stage I'm going to suggest we do not allow installers of the Centos 8 to have virtualmin install as an option since its far more broken than a small thing. I would suggest you move to a debian based distro (ubuntu or similar) and virtualmin, since we know these work well without issue."
So now, looking for recommendations. Server has to be in NZ and with that supplier who I like.
I know Virtualmin CAN work with CentOS8 because it does here.
The options are:
1. Wait and investigate - but was hoping to move everything over from an old server this weeek before end of month renewal where I really don’t want the supplier to have any more money, they have gone really bad.
2. Choose Centos7 that works with their build - ony 4 years life though? Seems like I am making an unnecessary extra problem for myself?
3. Can I install my own distro same as Andy has, somehow?
4. Ideas?
Unfortunately some serious security bugs have been discovered in the
Xen hypervisor and fixes for these have now been pre-disclosed, with
an embargo that ends at 1200Z on 22 September 2020.
As a result we will need to apply these fixes and reboot everything
before that time. We are likely to do this in the early hours of the
morning UK time, on 19, 20 and 21 September.
In the next few days individual emails will be sent out confirming
to you which hour long maintenance window your services are in. The
times will be in UTC; please note that UK is currently observing
daylight savings and as such is currently at UTC+1. We expect the
work to take between 15 and 30 minutes per bare metal host.
If you have opted in to suspend and restore¹ then your VM will be
suspended to storage and restored again after the host it is on is
rebooted. Otherwise your VM will be cleanly shut down and booted
again later.
If you cannot tolerate the downtime then please contact
support(a)bitfolk.com. We may be able to almost-live migrate you to
already-patched hardware before the regular maintenance starts. You
can expect a few tens of seconds of pausing in that case. This is
still a somewhat experimental process and also requires you to opt
in to suspend and restore.
¹ https://tools.bitfolk.com/wiki/Suspend_and_restore
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
announce mailing list
I make use of Pushover myself:
A customer asked for non-email notifications from BitFolk's
monitoring and I suggested Pushover for them too.
I've now added the necessary bits to generalise it for any customer.
If you would like Pushover notifications then please mail
support(a)bitfolk.com to ask for them.
When you ask please:
- supply your Pushover User Key (visible in your Pushover dashboard)
- state whether you want it for just host notifications (is the host
down or unreachable?) or for service notifications as well (is
service X on host Y in a non-OK state?). Services might generate
quite a few notifications. If you only want SOME services to
generate these notifications, you can let us know what those are
- Will only send a notification on a non-OK state, so you won't
receive RECOVERY/OK notifications. This is in the interest of not
deluging you with notifications.
- Priority is always set to 1 (high), which means it will try to
make a noise and vibrate your mobile device. You can override that
in your mobile device. The full API does allow an emergency
priority which would require you to acknowledge it, and three
quieter options, but I'm not ready to support any of those yet.
- You can't currently have Pushover notifications without email
notifications too.
- You can't tell monitoring to stop sending you Pushover
notifications but carry on sending email ones. Anything you'd
usually do to stop notifications will stop both kinds.
If more than a few people request this then I will integrate it with
the address book in the panel so you can get Pushover notifications
by adding a contact with a Pushover key there.
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
announce mailing list
There is a frequent cause of confusion with Direct Debit.
The way Direct Debit works is, first you authorise an organisation
to make Direct Debit requests. This is called a Direct Debit
mandate. That gets sent to your bank. Once your bank accepts it the
organisation can then request funds from your bank.
At present BitFolk only requests funds by Direct Debit when there is
a mandate in place and:
a) A new invoice is created, or;
b) You go into the Panel and select one or more invoices to pay by
Direct Debit.
Notably what does NOT happen ever is that invoices which already
exist are suddenly submitted by Direct Debit.
So what happens quite often is:
1. Invoice for ongoing service is created and emailed to customer.
2. Customer ignores this for some period of time.
3. A nagging automated email is sent saying this is going to be due
soon. Quite often ignored for some time.
4. A more strident yet still automated nagging email is sent saying
that it would be a really good idea to consider paying this now
as otherwise there might be a loss of service.
5. Customer decides that Direct Debit would be convenient and does
authorise a Direct Debit mandate now, but doesn't actually pay
the outstanding invoice(s) by any means because they think they
have now told us to take payments by Direct Debit and that it
will just happen.
6. Invoice is now weeks overdue and an automated email is sent out
saying that the service is now going to be suspended for
7. Since non-payment suspensions are manual, we think to check if
the customer recently authorised a Direct Debit mandate. If they
did then we consider it likely that they thought that would do
the job, so we have to contact them and explain and ask if they
did actually want this existing invoice paid by DD. This is
annoyingly manual, takes time, and is sometimes hard to explain.
There have been a non-zero number of occasions where we have
forgotten to check for a mandate in step #7 and have suspended the
customer's service for non-payment.
There have been many occasions where customers have received the
"you're being suspended for non-payment" email of step #6 and
contacted us in a panic.
Every time there is one of these misunderstandings I explain why
this happened and ask how they would like it to be changed so that
it doesn't happen any more, but sadly I have never really received
any concrete suggestions even from the people it has happened to. I'm
pretty sick of this happening so I want to do something about it.
So, I shall ask all of you, how would you expect it to work?
a) As soon as a mandate is authorised, just charge all existing
invoices immediately
Very tempting. Very simple. I fear there will be at least one
person that will claim they never expected that to happen, and a
returned Direct Debit has caused them to incur an eleventy
billion pound penalty charge from their bank, their mortgage
payment got rejected, and now there are men outside in shiny
leather jackets.
b) As soon as the mandate is authorised, if the customer has
existing invoices that are unpaid, there is a very noticeable
message on the screen like:
You seem to have unpaid invoices:
#41234 £107.88
#41239 £1.92
Pre-existing invoices won't be automatically submitted for
payment by Direct Debit. You can <a href="…">pay them now</a>
by a one-off Direct Debit or any of our other supported
payment methods.
I like (b).
I am open to other ideas if you have any. I can't really think of
I understand that many people will be happy with (a), but I feel
it's one of those things that when there is someone that is unhappy,
they are very unhappy, and that wipes out the good feelings from the
many more people that never had a problem.
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
Hi Andy,
Another vote for option b.
Every time there is one of these misunderstandings I explain why
> this happened and ask how they would like it to be changed so that
> it doesn't happen any more, but sadly I have never really received
> any concrete suggestions even from the people it has happened to. I'm
> pretty sick of this happening so I want to do something about it.
> So, I shall ask all of you, how would you expect it to work?
> a) As soon as a mandate is authorised, just charge all existing
> invoices immediately
> Very tempting. Very simple. I fear there will be at least one
> person that will claim they never expected that to happen, and a
> returned Direct Debit has caused them to incur an eleventy
> billion pound penalty charge from their bank, their mortgage
> payment got rejected, and now there are men outside in shiny
> leather jackets.
> b) As soon as the mandate is authorised, if the customer has
> existing invoices that are unpaid, there is a very noticeable
> message on the screen like:
> You seem to have unpaid invoices:
> #41234 £107.88
> #41239 £1.92
> Pre-existing invoices won't be automatically submitted for
> payment by Direct Debit. You can <a href="…">pay them now</a>
> by a one-off Direct Debit or any of our other supported
> payment methods.
> I like (b).
> I am open to other ideas if you have any. I can't really think of
> any.
We seek to name two new servers.
Customers may enter suggestions on this wiki page, in alphabetical
order under the "Current naming contests" header:
Log in to the wiki with your usual BitFolk credentials in order to
be able to edit pages. See the rest of the article for rules about
what will be accepted.
Some time in the next week the competition will be closed and two
names will be chosen. They will be chosen by some random person¹ —
who knows nothing about BitFolk, servers or you — who will be asked,
"which of these words do you like the best?"
¹ This used to be my partner but when she found out that her
selections were a competition she told me it was too much pressure
disappointing those of you whose suggestions weren't selected, so
it has been random persons for the last couple of years.
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
If you don't pay us by bank transfer or standing order then you can
ignore this email.
BitFolk's bank details have changed. The old ones should still work
but next time it is convenient it would be good if you would update
to the new ones.
The new bank details are listed on every invoice generated after
1600Z today, and also in your Panel at:
Despite Barclays assuring me that I would still be able to log in and
download a final statement after the old account was closed, it
appears I cannot do that so I'm unable to see any bank payments made
in the last couple of days. I expect I'll get a final paper copy of
the statement through the post in the next week and will be able to
mark those payments as settled then.
So if you made a bank payment in the last few days but the invoice
is still marked as outstanding, do not worry. Get in touch if you
start to receive late payment reminders about it.
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
announce mailing list
Hi All
I have a VPS on Centos 7.8 with Virtualmin which is ok.
I have a new VPS on Centos 8.2 with Virtualmin (and different purpose set up - principally has Dovecot) which has this process using 60-95% cpu:
/sbin/rngd -f --fill-watermark=0
Just rebooted and it simply carried on again.
Grateful for any tips where to look to sort this out.
Does anyone here happen to have a juniper support contract?
I bought a 2nd hand SRX110H and are disappointed to learn that support
for VDSL requires a firmware upgrade.
Without a support contract juniper won't give me the file I need.
I wonder if someone could be so kind to open the case for me and ping
me the file.
At approximately 22:58Z on 16 August host "elephant" became
unresponsive and we received alerts for every customer/service on
it. Its BMC serial console connected but was also unresponsive.
After determining that it was still powered on but not responding,
around 23:13Z I decided to power cycle it.
This appears to have gone without incident and by around 23:17Z
customer VMs were starting to be booted; this completed by around
If you are still experiencing problems with your service please in
the first instance have a look at your Xen Shell console to see if
you spot anything obvious.
If that doesn't help, please open a support ticket.
I still do not know what caused elephant to hard lock up. There are
no hardware events logged. It may happen again in which case we will
need to look at swapping it out, which will come with some downtime
for those hosted on it.
Apologies for the disruption and thanks for your patience.
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
announce mailing list