BitFolk Users February 2012
  • 33 participants
  • 14 discussions

Secondary Reverse DNS
by Robert Gauld
12 years, 11 months

IP address at Nominet's nameservers is wrong
by Ian
12 years, 11 months

idle curiosity? bank phishing scam, was Fw: Notice ID:01ZMCX
by Max B
12 years, 11 months

Reboot scheduled for host "bellini", 2012-02-20 2200Z; host "president", 2012-02-21 2200Z
by Andy Smith
12 years, 11 months

Tor Obsfucation
by Daniel Case
12 years, 11 months

DNS hiccups
by Keith Williams
12 years, 11 months has been renumbered
by Andy Smith
12 years, 11 months

Renumbering: resolver not working? still points to 212.x, instead of 85.y on >=1 machine
by Max B
12 years, 11 months

IMPORTANT: You need to renumber the IP address(es) of your BitFolk VPS
by Andy Smith
12 years, 11 months

VPS renumbering failure
by Paul Stimpson
12 years, 11 months
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