Re: [bitfolk] Failed Ubuntu 14.04 Install

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Author: Steven Walker
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Failed Ubuntu 14.04 Install
I think I can explain the problem with the login at the rescue
terminal. I just logged into the Xen shell and ran the console
command. This did not generate a response. After a while it gave an OK
which I assume means it had some sort of connection. Nothing much
happened so I hit enter which put me into the Rescue Environment but
without any credentials appearing.

Once I had failed to log in a couple of times the advice about Control
+ ] had risen up the screen and was no longer visible.

I paste the session below.


xen-shell> console
Running console for simpee - exit with Ctrl+]
[34294.348131] nfs: server not responding, still trying
[34301.149539] nfs: server OK

BitFolk Rescue Environment -

This virtual machine is running read-only over NFS with a unionfs ramdisk to
allow changes. This means:

- anything you write to its filesystem will not survive a reboot
- you only have about half your RAM size as writable space

If you need to write more, or you need it to persist past a reboot, you'll need
to use your VPS's storage. Please see:

for more information.

Your user account is called 'user' and its password has been randomly-generated
(see above). Be careful what you do with it as networking is now active and
sshd is running. The 'user' account has full sudo access.

rescue login: