Re: [bitfolk] Failed Ubuntu 14.04 Install [off topic]

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Author: Alun
To: users
Old-Topics: [bitfolk] Failed Ubuntu 14.04 Install
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Failed Ubuntu 14.04 Install [off topic]
Steven Walker <sjb.walker@???> said, in message
> I hate GrUB2 :) I always had the feeling that it was designed for and
> by enterprise users.

To be fair, Grub 2 is quite nice if you ignore all the dross piled
on dross that installers put into the grub config file. A hand-written
grub 2 config can be pretty concise and self-explanatory:

Here's an entry off my "Rescue/Install" pen drive:

menuentry "Rescue Image" {
        linux /images/rescue.x86_64.krn
        initrd /images/rescue.x86_64.igz

Here's one to boot a Mint 17.2 live ISO image stored as a file in /isos
on the pen drive:

menuentry "Mint 17.2 Cinnamon 64-bit" {
     set isofile='/isos/linuxmint-17.2-cinnamon-64bit.iso'
     loopback loop $isofile
     linux     (loop)/casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/linuxmint.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile quiet splash --
     initrd    (loop)/casper/initrd.lz


Alun Jones,             auj@???,            01970 622637
Mathemateg, Ffiseg a Chyfrifiadureg,      Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science, Aberystwyth University