Re: [bitfolk] SSH query

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Author: Hugo Mills
To: Murray Crane
CC: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] SSH query

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On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 04:42:27PM +0100, Murray Crane wrote:
> Hi all,
> Hoping to crowdsource your knowledge.
> In Ubuntu/Debian, is it possible to set up the www-data user with SSH
> access (for development purposes; read/write to the web server document
> root) but not "shell access" otherwise?
> The SSH will be pub-key only, but I already know how to do such things (to
> avoid obvious "do it key only" suggestions).
> Kind regards

There's a project called scponly that you can use to set this
up. You set it as the login shell for the account, and it implements
the absolute minimum that a shell needs to do to support scp, without
giving any kind of interactive access.


> Murray Crane

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Hugo Mills             | I spent most of my money on drink, women and fast
hugo@... | cars. The rest I wasted.  |
PGP: E2AB1DE4          |                                            James Hunt