Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters

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Author: Ian
To: users
Old-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters
Months ago Simon said:

> Just to add my recent experience to this useful thread. Yahoo seem to be
> the toughest, I currently have an old domain with correct PTR records
> and SPF set up which simply gets dropped by Yahoo's servers. I get a
> warning regarding delayed delivery then a day or so later a failed
> delivery error.
> I have just filled out this form which I am told can help:
> we'll see...

Thanks for that - they don't exactly make it easy, do they?

Earlier this week, moved email servers for the family email and I've
just got the bounce from £$%^ing Yahoo... for a email address.

The IP isn't in any public blacklists, it's one of about four emails the
new server has ever sent to a Yahoo account, the SPF for the domains are
set up and it's still going "All messages from xx.xx.xx.xx will be
permanently deferred". It has got me to set up DKIM at last, and thinks it's ok.

And despite this sort of crap, hacked Yahoo accounts successfully send
me more spam than anything else.

Motes and beams, motes and beams.
