Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters

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Author: Simon
To: users
New-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Email - getting out of spam filters

On 2013-08-01 10:13, Ian wrote:

> Phil Stewart said:
>> Interestingly, I'm starting to see greylisting become less effective
>> as an anti-spam technique.
> That's interesting. I'm not noticing any increase in spam getting
> through, and the logs still show an awful lot not getting past greylisting.
> There are some 'genuine' senders who don't either because their mail
> servers don't resend the mail, but these tend to be the ones who don't
> accept postmaster@ email either, sigh.
> Ian
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Just to add my recent experience to this useful thread. Yahoo seem to be
the toughest, I currently have an old domain with correct PTR records
and SPF set up which simply gets dropped by Yahoo's servers. I get a
warning regarding delayed delivery then a day or so later a failed
delivery error.

The domains that are successfully getting through to Yahoo have DKIM set
up too (although I don't think this always needs to be the case).

I have just filled out this form which I am told can help:;_ylt=An8jLP5eP8VPdGZvTxFMD6eiNCV4?from_url=&last_url=

we'll see...
