Re: [bitfolk] Joomla hosting

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Author: Andy Smith
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Joomla hosting

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gpg: Signature made Wed Feb 19 12:47:11 2014 UTC
gpg: using DSA key 2099B64CBF15490B
gpg: Good signature from "Andy Smith <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andrew James Smith <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (UKUUG) <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (BitFolk Ltd.) <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Linux User Groups UK) <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Cernio Technology Cooperative) <>" [unknown]
Hi Matthew,

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 12:24:08PM +0000, Matthew Moore wrote:
> On 19/02/14 12:04, Andy Smith wrote:
> >

> >
> > which although doesn't keep the Joomla core up to date for you, does
> > at least purport to have "one click upgrade", so if I drum it into
> > him not to use third party plugins and to hit the upgrade button
> > every time it is available, he may be okay?
> Andy,
> Just to be clear, *all* of the current Joomla software has one click
> upgrade.


In that case it would almost be worth me hosting it for him, since
£10+VAT a month for an install of Joomla with no added extras aside
from hardware support seems rather steep.

*Almost* - I've no interest in doing the constant vigilance that PHP
web app hosting requires, that this host won't be doing either…

> It's still horrible software and even if you're totally up to
> date, you can still get hacked. I got hacked on a core component
> when totally up to date.

Worrying. I shall tell him to ask his designer if it really has to be

Just bear in mind that this is someone who needs some simple web
sites for his (non-Internet) hobby businesses just to have a web
presence; he doesn't need anything fancy and has no real interest in
the web side of things. He knows he needs some web sites and he
knows someone who will make them for him (in Joomla). If he hits
barriers then he will give up and just spend his time on something

So, in terms of actually getting his sites out there, he may still
be better off getting the guy he knows now to put some imperfect
Joomla sites up, as opposed to losing the guy he has, having to
start from scratch and giving up for another year.

> And I doubt your user will have no 3rd party plugins for long.

Not my user. Just someone asking me for advice. :)


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