Re: [bitfolk] Joomla hosting

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Author: Matthew Moore
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Joomla hosting

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gpg: Signature made Wed Feb 19 12:24:08 2014 UTC
gpg: using RSA key 23423966E4D1EBED
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On 19/02/14 12:04, Andy Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:56:22AM +0000, Ian wrote:
>> I haven't touched Joomla in a while, but I think you're right: third
>> party stuff can have problems long after issues with the main releases
>> are sorted.
> These sites shouldn't need any third party plugins and to be honest
> if it wasn't for the fact that he'd have no idea how to later edit or
> add pages, they could be static HTML.
> Most appealing I have found so far is:

> which although doesn't keep the Joomla core up to date for you, does
> at least purport to have "one click upgrade", so if I drum it into
> him not to use third party plugins and to hit the upgrade button
> every time it is available, he may be okay?


Just to be clear, *all* of the current Joomla software has one click
upgrade. It even warns you when you login. It's still horrible
software and even if you're totally up to date, you can still get
hacked. I got hacked on a core component when totally up to date.

IMHO, mod_security and tripwire are essential if you plan to run a
Joomla site (well any PHP site really).

And I doubt your user will have no 3rd party plugins for long.


- --
Matthew Moore
Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory
System Administrator
Telephone: +44 (0)1656 752165
Email: matt@???