Re: [bitfolk] Joomla hosting

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Author: Keith Williams
To: BitFolk Users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Joomla hosting

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Hmmm an interesting point of view Matt. One man's meat and so on. But as
the guy has a brief to use Joomla, Wordpress is not really an option. If
you alter key files - Joomla or WP - then upgrading is a mare. WP is much
much easier for someone, like Andy's friend, to use, but Joomla is easier
to customise IMHO. One WP site that I have inherited is taking a lot of
work at the moment. Its functionality depends on 2 or 3 plugins which it is
very difficult to upgrade. But having learnt from a previous experience I
now put multiple layers of security around each site so both systems are
really quite safe - I hope . Anyway I'm no real guru.

On 19 February 2014 09:17, Matthew Moore <matt@???> wrote:

gpg: invalid clearsig header
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: block_filter: 1st length byte missing
gpg: cleartext signature without data
gpg: no signature found
gpg: the signature could not be verified.
Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)
should be the first file given on the command line.
> On 19/02/14 07:44, Andy Smith wrote:
> > Hi Rodrigo,
> >
> > On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 03:36:09AM +0000, Rodrigo Campos wrote:
> >> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 09:52:48PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> >>> A fairly non-technical friend of mine is looking for Joomla hosting.
> >
> > [?]
> >
> >> Not really an answer, but if joomla is not totally required and can
> use maybe
> >> Jekyll, and what he needs fits as a github page, he/she might be able
> to use
> >> github pages.
> >
> > It needs to be Joomla because the person who he has to do the
> > initial templating and content upload wants to use Joomla.
> >
> > If I can find no commercial Joomla hosting, and the guy doing the
> > work can suggest none, then I may suggest they use Wordpress
> > instead.
> There is loads of Joomla hosting out there. But nothing I can
> personally recommend. Because even if I had used any Joomla hosting I
> couldn't recommend any specific Joomla hosting. Because Joomla is a
> totally awful piece of software. If you just look at the number of CVEs
> out there for Joomla (300+) against Wordpress (160ish). Basically your
> Joomla site is going to get hacked. I've inherited a couple of Joomla
> sites and they're awful to use, awful to theme/skin and you have to be
> incredibly vigilant to stop them getting hacked.
> However if it's general webhosting, I personally think are
> excellent. Also they have one click installers for several common CMS,
> including Joomla. Once you've got a Joomla install going, updating it
> is as easy as clicking a button. Until it comes to move between
> versions, which can be a bit of a nightmare.
> So basically suggest that the guy uses Wordpress. Or anything. Just
> not Joomla.
> Matt
> - --
> Matthew Moore
> Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory
> System Administrator
> Telephone: +44 (0)1656 752165
> Email: matt@???
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Keith Williams

Keith's Place

Tailor Made English

West Norfolk RSPCA