[bitfolk] VPS Disk Reset

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Author: Chris Tallon
To: users
Subject: [bitfolk] VPS Disk Reset
I'm stuck on the old disk layout which is hiding 0.5GB of disk away from
me, and I think I'm going to buy a 5GB upgrade, so I wondered about
fixing all this in one go.

I don't want to reinstall the OS though, so my plan is request/get the
disk upgrade, then to boot into the rescue environment and as root,

cd myvpsfilesystem
tar -c . | ssh somewhereelse "cat > filesystem.tar"

Then do the Xen disk reset, allocate the new space, then boot to rescue
again, mkfs with label "root", then:

ssh somewhereelse "cat filesystem.tar" | tar -x

I've thought about the disk block ID being different after this, but
it's not in fstab or anywhere else I can find.

As I understand it pyGrub will also just work.

The question is, am I heading for any pitfalls?

Thanks for any opinions.

Chris Tallon