[bitfolk] rsync between VPS's for backup

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Author: Murray Crane
To: users
Subject: [bitfolk] rsync between VPS's for backup
Just "testing the waters" at this juncture, making sure that our plan isn't
going to make Andy angry or anything like that.

I have two VPS's with bitfolk; my personal one and one that I am donating
to the virtual airline I am currently president of (on separate servers).
I'm thinking that for the purposes of backup of the VA VPS, I can rsync the
web folder over to a holding area on my personal VPS on a daily basis, and
do more traditional "everything" backups (again, rsync) less frequently.

Is this feasible/considered an "OK" thing to do (Andy)? Would I be better
off raising a support ticket to have the backups done by Bitfolk (assumes
you're not already, o'course)?

Kind regards

Murray Crane