Re: [bitfolk] Domain registrar

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Author: Ian
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Domain registrar
I said:

> It turns out that yesterday, they renewed a domain – without being
> asked or sending me any email about it – that does not need renewing
> until next June. Then today they did it again, this time for another
> three years.

Quick update: they are saying that they auto renew domains for the
same length as they were originally registered for, and realised that
this one had been auto renewed for one year, rather than more. So,
without asking, they did more renewing. The big problem with that is
that it wasn't originally registered for four years... It did get
renewed for that long in 2009, but that's not when it was originally
registered. And the combination of 1+1+3 means they did it for five
years this time...

So far, I have the big payment back.
