Re: [bitfolk] Domain registrar

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Author: Ian
To: users
Old-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] Domain registrar
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Domain registrar
Back in January, I said:

> I have been a very happy user of 123-Reg for many years. (Mind you, it
> helped that I knew one of the people who set it up.)
> But there have been two WTFs in the past fortnight. [..]

Somewhat foolishly, I have allowed inertia to mean that I did not
switch, because there has been an even bigger WTF.

Yesterday, I had a PayPal email regarding a payment to 123-Reg.
Looking at the amount, it’s a .com domain for a year. ‘Ah, I must have
forgotten to renew one and it’s done it automatically,’ I think, ‘How

Except that today, I had another PayPal email regarding another
payment to 123-Reg. Looking at the amount, I go ‘WTF?!’ as it is for
rather more, and I know that I have not either registered or forgotten
to renew anything today. The next thought is ‘That’s interesting, I
haven’t had the usual invoice emailed to my account’s email address
for either of these…’

It turns out that yesterday, they renewed a domain – without being
asked or sending me any email about it – that does not need renewing
until next June. Then today they did it again, this time for another
three years. Had this not been done via PayPal, but done via a direct
debit or card, I would not have had any notification of this until a
statement arrived, possibly nearly two months later.

I also said back in January:

> I find it difficult to believe that the fact that both these WTFs would
> result in me paying them money unnecessarily is a coincidence.

and that applies even more now.
