[bitfolk] Downsizing LVM PVs

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Author: Paul Stimpson
To: users
Subject: [bitfolk] Downsizing LVM PVs

Our new install is going pretty well. Thanks for all your help so far.

Not wanting me to have an easy life, the project manager has just thrown
me a curve-ball: The most recent generation of the current system in the
wild is built on fairly-new hardware and he's asked for all the last-gen
machines (Dell R210) to be returned to us for internal use. He wants me
to install the new Xen VM bundle on the Dell hardware. If I'd known
about this earlier-on, there are a few things I would have done slightly

The biggest problem I have right now is that the new machines have 300GB
drives in them and the Dells are 250GB. We use Clonezilla to image the
machines and it won't restore the drive (an ext /boot and an LVM PV)
from the 300GB drive to the 250 even though more than 50GB of the LVM PV
is unallocated (The LVs total in the low 200s of GBs in a 299GB PV) so
the LVs don't need resizing.

I think I need to either:
     1) Find someone who is a Clonezilla god who can tell me how to make 
Clonezilla shrink the PV using some of the advanced options.
     2) Restore the image to one of our new test boxes, shrink the PV to 
under 250GB and then make a new Clonezilla image from that.

I would value any of your input on how to achieve either of these
options without breaking something. I'm thinking option 2 will probably
be the one.
