Re: [bitfolk] fail2ban

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Author: Christopher Roberts
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] fail2ban
On Wednesday 12 Dec 2012, Dom Latter wrote:
> 103 attempts on a non-standard port?

Yes, not sure what your question is though.

> Anyway - do you have users that you don't trust to set a strong-enough
> password?

That's not the point - better to stop the attempts in the first place if you
can, and you can by choosing a non-standard port.

These 103 attempts are the only attempts at my ssh port that I have ever seen,
a bit of a freak tbh. In contrast I have seen thousands of attempts per hour
against port 22.

I know there is an argument against "security by obscurity", but I think it is
a false one in this situation.

Chris Roberts