Author: Dom Latter Date: To: users Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Proposal: Security incidents postings
Preamble: Glad to see that this proposal has been adopted.
More below.
On 08/12/12 21:36, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> Just seeing "this box got rooted and sent out tons of spam" isn't
> all that useful, as we're all aware (or, should be, maybe I'm
> arguing against myself here) that machines get exploited all the time
> and do Bad Things, but seeing WHY, and maybe even some of the process
> for tracing down the root cause would be handy.
Yes, but the "this box got rooted" post might still be a useful
reminder to Pay Attention, and might provoke useful discussion
on how best to avoid these things.
One other thing might be useful - knowing the "population size",
if that is possible.
> Additionally, I must say that I'm very happy I chose bitfolk for my
> vps provider. Things like this (and even the discussion itself) make
> me feel very good about the people running things behind the scenes.