On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 02:19:42AM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> So I was contemplating posting an email thread to this ("users")
> list every time we become aware of a customer compromise, and I was
> wondering what you thought of that idea.
Someone asked off-list how many security incidents there had been in
the last year.
It's a little difficult to answer because I haven't been keeping a
structured record. There are support tickets for each one that we
know of, but they aren't in a standard format so are a little
difficult to search for.
After a quick search with terms that immediately spring to mind I can
- 1 Customer VPS doing FTP dictionary attacks.
Source of compromise as-yet unknown (customer has allowed me to
take a look but I haven't yet got around to it).
- 5 customer VPSes doing SSH dictionary attacks, which were
themselves compromised by SSH dictionary attacks. One of these
was a root account. In all cases the customer was running sshd on
port 22 with password authentication enabled.
- 2 cases of customer VPSes engaged in direct denial of service
attacks (packeting).
One was broken into through an insecure Joomla template.
The other was cause unknown since the customer never responded,
but was probably fraudulently purchased from the beginning since
the PayPal transaction was also disputed.
- 2 customers participating in a DDoS through their open DNS
- 4 customers hosting bank phishing sites (i.e. they're hosting
pages that are made to look like bank sites which people are
directed to, and then after their info is filled in, the info is
sent to the attacker).
Cause as-yet unknown for one of these because it happened only
last night.
Cause for one was a Wordpress exploit that allowed the attacker to
upload a page of their own content. Not sure whether that was a
case of an out of date Wordpress install or a bad plugin.
Cause for one was an unknown CMS which customer left admin
Cause for last one was never determined and customer did not give
permission for us to examine. VPS was reinstalled.
- At least 20 reports of drones connecting to their C&C¹ channels
through Tor exit nodes hosted by BitFolk customers.
It's still abuse but there's nothing that can be done since it's
There'll probably be a couple more that I was unable to find, but
that's the gist of it.
¹ Command and Control -
http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
"I'd be happy to buy all variations of sex to ensure I got what I wanted."
— Gary Coates (talking about cabling)