On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 07:38:10AM +0800, Paul Rudkin wrote:
> Not sure what your budget is but I can recommend http://RSync.net
FWIW BitFolk works out cheaper than rsync.net for 1TB of storage on
a yearly basis ($1,800 vs £819.20+VAT). Though rsync.net most likely
do have a higher resilience of network and storage than BitFolk
does, and there are also limits on the amount of data you can
transfer per month with BitFolk before having to pay for that also
(200GB/mo out).
If "single server with a RAID array" is an acceptable level of
resilience for you then hetzner.de will sell you a dedicated server
with 7x3TB consumer drives for €139/mo. Or 3x1.5TB for €51/mo. So
that's just €612 per year. Not sure if that includes VAT or not.
http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
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