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Subject: Re: [bitfolk] hardware problems on barbar, 1826Z and ongoing
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Hi Peet,
On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 10:29:35AM +0200, Peet Grobler wrote:
> Thank you for your decent, very verbose explanations of what is going wro=
ng. I believe this distills trust in your clients. First off, we know you k=
now what you're doing. Second - we are informed of problems, with much deta=
il, and along the process of fixing it we are informed of what you've done =
so far, and what to expect.
Thanks to you and others who have commented. Especially those who
were affected, for your understanding.
Thanks must also go to Miah Gregory who was present in our IRC
channel and offered advice on how to best recover, for several
hours. I was on basically the right track but Miah's advice sped
things up quite a bit.
Anyway this is not the last word on this matter of course. I'm still
working on a plan of action and I will get back to you in due
course. This is going to include service credit for those who were
affected, as the data loss (even minor as it appears to have been)
that arose from this sort of event was completely unacceptable and
should be avoidable.
> I assume you don't back up the VPSes? It's the customer's responsibility?=
I have no problem with this, just wondering.
That is correct. We do offer to run backups for people for free,
except for the disk space required to keep them in:
Naturally I would urge everyone to have some sort of backup regime
as calamities such as human error, multiple simultaneous disk
failure, datacentre fires, natural disasters, etc. do happen.
http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
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