Re: [bitfolk] T-DOSE

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Author: Martian
CC: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] T-DOSE
Just in case you are interested in statistics, I have been running
Fail2Ban since May 2010 and since then I've had around 6.5k emails
informing me that an address has been blocked, or about 9 attempts per

I think your customers would be a lot more likely to install Fail2Ban
if they knew just how common this sort of attack was.


On Thu, 10 May 2012 16:23:31 +0000
Andy Smith <andy@???> wrote:

> Hello,
> It's been a while since I last posted a reminder about protecting
> against SSH dictionary attacks.
> The problem of course has not gone away and since then there have
> been many more compromises that could have been easily avoided.
> So, please, if you are running sshd on port 22 and allowing password
> authentication, please consider taking some steps to protect
> yourself. It can very easily happen to you, and aside from the
> damage it can cause to other hosts on the Internet it risks
> significant downtime for your own services.
> I wrote up some more info from previous discussions:

> If you have further input please do feel free to add to the above
> wiki article.
> Cheers,
> Andy

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