Re: [bitfolk] World IPv6 Day - What have you done with IPv6?

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Author: ed
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] World IPv6 Day - What have you done with IPv6?</a> was suffering s critical error, then very soon=
afterwards an email saying it was recovered. I did a quick check with <a h=
ref=3D""></a> and all was well except this</di=
<div>=A0</div><div><table class=3D"tabular" cellspacing=3D"1" width=3D"99%"=

<tr class=3D"warn"><td class=3D"icon"></td><td>Same Glue</td><td>Looks like=
 the A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are different than=
 the ones got from your nameservers. You have to make sure your parent serv=
er has the same NS records for your zone as you do.I detected some problems=
 as follows:<br>
                                    For <strong><a href=3D"http://c.authns.="></a></strong> the parent reported: <strong=

>[&#39;;]</strong> and your nameservers reported: <stron=

</table></div><div>Everytime I refresh it reports slightly differently with=
 server c always reported as wrong sometimes all three</div><div>=A0</div><=
div><table class=3D"tabular" cellspacing=3D"1" width=3D"99%">
<tr class=3D"warn"><td>Same Glue</td><td><p>Looks like the A records (the G=
LUE) got from the parent zone check are different than the ones got from yo=
ur nameservers. You have to make sure your parent server has the same NS re=
cords for your zone as you do.I detected some problems as follows:<br>
                                    For <strong><a href=3D"http://c.authns.="></a></strong> the parent reported: <strong=

>[&#39;;]</strong> and your nameservers reported: <strong>=

                                     For <strong><a href=3D"http://a.authns="></a></strong> the parent reported: <stron=
g>[&#39;;]</strong> and your nameservers reported: <strong=


                                     For <strong><a href=3D"http://b.authns="></a></strong> the parent reported: <stron=
g>[&#39;;]</strong> and your nameservers reported: <strong=


</table></div><div>I assume there is some work going on with the servers as=
my domain is resolving</div><div>=A0</div><div>Keith<br clear=3D"all"><br>=
-- <br></div><div>Keith Williams</div><div>=A0</div><div><dt>Of those who s=
ay nothing, few are silent.=20
</dt><div><br></div>- Thomas Neill</div><div>=A0</div><div>I&#39;m sick of =
following my dreams. I&#39;m just going to ask them where they&#39;re<br>go=
ing and hook up with them later.<br> - Mitch Hedberg</div><div><br>=B7=D3=
=B4=D5=E4=B4=E9=B4=D5 =B7=D3=AA=D1=E8=C7=E4=B4=AA=D1=E8=C7</div>
<div><br></div><div><p style=3D"margin-bottom:0cm">I can picture in my mind=
a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking =
that world, because they&#39;d never expect it.</p><p style=3D"margin-botto=
- Jack Handey</p></div><div><br></di