Hi Alex,
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 08:28:11PM +0100, Alex Hudson wrote:
I've updated the debian OS on my VM from Lenny to
Squeeze, unfortunately
I've run into an issue with grub:
# update-grub
Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub
warning: grub-probe can't find drive for /dev/xvda1.
grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/xvda1. Check your
Yeah this has come up a few times before.
It's an issue with the grub package scripts not liking the fact that
there is a /dev/xvda1 without there being a /dev/xvda.
In the archives of this list you can find various workarounds that
worked in the past, but successive versions of the grub package's
scripts have got more and more complicated in their efforts to
detect disk layout, and it's just not possible to fool them any
So, the best way to fix this is to stop using xvda1 as a block
device without there being an xvda.[*]
The easiest way to do this without reinstalling your VPS is as
- You ensure that your VPS will find its block devices by LABEL or
UUID in /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab. This will enable you
to later change the block devices without a problem.
- You send a support ticket saying you've done that and are ready
for your VPS to be rebooted with whole disks as block devices, and
specifying what sort of day/time you would prefer for that to be
- We will alter your config on our side so that you have xvda, xvdb,
xvdc, etc. as block devices instead of xvda1, xvda2, etc.
We'll then shut your VPS down and boot it again. Provided it has
been set to find block devices by LABEL or UUID this should be
routine and has been done many times, but if there has been an
error that prevents the VPS from booting then we'll do our best to
fix it for you.
In the mean time the only thing that this is preventing you from
doing is running update-grub, so you can continue putting manual
kernel entries in your /boot/grub/menu.lst until you are ready to do
[*] New VPSes don't have their disks arranged the same way as older
ones precisely because of this issue; see
for more info than you probably wanted.
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