Hi Andy,
whatever you can do to reduce my need to set up config files for things of which
I know little and care to understand less (ie reverse DNS, MX, network config)
would be much appreciated.
You should have received an email of request for reverse DNS, as I do not expect
to change the domain name at all.
If you tell me that, as a result of the support email, I no longer need to set a
reverse DNS zones/master file I will remove it.
From: Andy Smith <andy(a)bitfolk.com>
To: users(a)lists.bitfolk.com
Sent: Mon, October 4, 2010 1:13:00 PM
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] reverse DNS zone file
Hi Max,
Normally BitFolk does the reverse DNS for you. They're our IP
Since there is only one entry, if you don't expect it to change
much, just send a support request to support(a)bitfolk.com and we'll
change it to whatever you like (it was set to what you asked for as
a hostname when your VPS was set up).
If you like we can also delegate the reverse DNS to your
nameserver(s), which is the only time you would need a reverse zone
as a BitFolk customer. Again if you want to do that, drop an email
to support.
On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 03:40:26AM -0700, Max B wrote:
$TTL 1d ;
$ORIGIN 195.13.212.IN-ADDR.ARPA.
Due to the way reverse DNS delegation for less than a /24 works, the
zone name will actually be "120-". This is
a complicated subject and requires a pretty good understanding of
normal DNS before you can go the extra step to understand how doing
reverse DNS for less than a /24 works.
This technique is described in RFC2317:
admin.exoco.net. (
If you would like your reverse DNS to work even when
ns.exoco.net is
down then it would be advisable to have more than one nameserver.
Since the only reverse DNS entry you have is *for*
ns.exoco.net then
it could be argued that more nameservers are pointless and that's
fair enough.
On the other hand since you definitely need more nameservers for
other kinds of zones, you might view it as a good idea to
standardise and put the same set in the reverse zones too.
If you want more nameservers, BitFolk provides free secondary DNS
for customers, for up to 50 domains:
Again, if you are wanting your nameserver to receive queries for the
reverse zone then you will need to contact support so that we can
delegate it to you.
http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting