I've just had an interesting problem turn up: I replied to an email
on a
kernel.org mailing list. There were Chinese characters near the
top of the original mail. On its way out through my mail hub, the mail
was run through the Bitfolk spamassassin, which added its usual two
headers: one with the spam score in it, and one with a horribly
mangled extract of the original mail. This mail got rejected by
vger.kernel.org on the grounds that it doesn't accept UTF-8 in mail
Is there any way I can get the X-frost.carfax.org.uk-Spam-Report:
header either suppressed completely, or (in preference) without the
content of the original message in it?
I'm guessing the answer is "not without running your own
spamassassin", since this is a shared service, but I thought I'd ask
anyway, just in case...
=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk |
darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
PGP key: 515C238D from
wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or
--- This year, I'm giving up Lent. ---