Having run what appears to be a successful upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to
16.04 (yes, yes I know living in the past) I've hit a problem.
My VPS won't reboot.
$ sudo shutdown -r now
Failed to start reboot.target: Connection timed out
See system logs and 'systemctl status reboot.target' for details.
Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn.
failed to run telinit 6 for upstart fallback
Failed to talk to init daemon.
and trying to shut down via the xen console I get:
xen-shell> shutdown
Shutting down instance: <vpsname>
Shutting down domain <number>
Waiting for 1 domains
and the VPS stays up.
Any suggestions before I hit it with a xen console "destroy"?
Andrew Ransom