Hi all,
My fastcgi process has just stopped twice recently, and I am having
trouble finding out why.
Recent upgraded VPS to Ubuntu 10.4. from 8.4 - apparently without
Running nginx with php via init-fastcgi script
nginx was not changed in the upgrade, neither was the
init-fastcgi script.
Oddities noticed.
/etc/init.d/init-fastcgi stop took 30 seconds but gave no
errors. I could then start the process fine without error.
I can find nothing in the logs that is suspicious, for either time.
This morning Baiduspider was spidering a site running an old version of
Word Press at about the time the problem started, but did not
get a 504 error.
I wish I had run ps -ax to see if the processes were in the machine. I
ran it, and nginx was fine, but did not check the php side. (still asleep).
Has anyone any ideas about what might be happening, what could cause it,
or indeed anything helpful to stopping it happening again?