Here is a list of open feature requests and the number of votes
they have received:
(You can vote an issue up or down once you are logged in and viewing
I am currently working on making a "billing" role for the address
book, so that invoices can be sent to different/multiple people.
That was actually the most desired thing of the whole "address book"
feature and will allow for getting rid of a few cumbersome mail
aliases that we have.
I can take it as said that everyone wants "better spec VPSes for
less money" but after I'm done with the billing role I'll move on to
something else and I will use this list of issues and their votes to
help me make that decision¹.
At the moment it's looking like people really want to be able to add
and remove secondary DNS domains from the panel.
Next up is an SMS alerting method for Nagios, which I suppose now
carries over for Icinga2. I am really sceptical about this. Mainly
I worry that very few people will actually use it, and every SMS
sent costs BitFolk money, so is it a good use of resources? If I
don't charge for it then every customer not making use of it will be
subsidising those who do. And as some people let alerts just fire
over and over.
Charging for it brings other issues, chiefly that once real money is
being charged everything becomes much more serious; I start to
wonder if this may be appropriate for a service whose main purpose
is monitoring your stuff, but not for one that throws in monitoring
as a free perk.
I would be more comfortable implementing Pushover alerts as these
are free to send (within some massive limit). There is a one-off fee
to the Pushover app developers per receiving device. I will not do
that however unless there is at least 1 person who might use it. If
you are such a person, please vote it up:
Further down the list, the configurable lead time for raising
invoices it quite likely to happen. There's a couple of corporate
customers who regularly complain that 30 days is not enough time to
pay an invoice and are unable/unwilling to do Direct Debit. I'm not
extending credit terms any further than 30 days so the solution for
them will be to have invoices raised and sent to them sooner.
If you have any comments on these feature requests, or ideas for new
ones, ideally please submit them at:
but posting here is okay if you feel it needs a more conversational
¹ Though just because people want something doesn't mean that it's
easy or even possible, so the feature requests made and the votes
they have are only one factor, not the deciding factor.
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting