Hi users!
I've been a happy Bitfolk customer for some time and now I'm looking at
adding some more storage to my VPS.
In the past I've always taken the 5GiB packages. This time I see that there
is now Archival Storage in 50GiB packages.
I've read the docs at
https://tools.bitfolk.com/wiki/Archive_storage but am
writing here to see if anyone has any practical experience with these
Whatever I choose, I'll keep all my existing packages: I'm just looking to
add new ones.
Having been a Bitfolk customer for so long, am I correct in assuming that
the disks that power these packages are similar technology to what my
entire VPS ran on a few years ago?
I'm definitely in two minds. I want the storage for IMAP... and as everyone
knows, IMAP and RDBMS are all about the number of spindles. ...but if I
only have a small handful of users (albeit ones who all have their phones
connected almost all the time), would everything stick nicely in the page
cache and spare me noticing the performance of the underlying storage?
So, if anyone has any direct experience reports of the performance of
Archival Storage, especially under an IMAP workload, I'd love to hear them!
(If I take the Archival Storage, I'll move my own mailbox first and try it
out for a while. If I take the 5GiB package I'll just add it to the
existing device and grow the volume.)
Best wishes,