On 06/02/2012 09:12, Max B wrote:
your view of 'renumbering for clients' and
mine differ. The way I look
at it, any issues that force me to deal this change are directly
relevant to 'renumbering for clients'. I am surprised you appear to
Hi Max,
I'd be inclined to view the information in that wiki page as being
a courtesy to elucidate the basics of the numbering change, as far
as it *directly relates* to Bitfolk's networking infrastructure,
rather than setting out details for all possible services and other
dependencies. e.g. there's no mention there on updating your
domain registration if you self-host your DNS, no details on how
to edit zone files, or update httpd configs if you had explicit IPs
in there, update SSL certificates, VPN configurations etc. For bind9,
a reload might be invoked in various ways depending on the distro
and personal taste (I still use "invoke-rc.d bind9 reload") and
documenting that level of detail is to my mind well out of scope
for a renumbering guide. You might note that the front page of the
wiki states "This wiki is here for BitFolk customers to contribute
their own content".
I can imagine many ISPs giving you barely a one-liner "On <date>
your new IP address will be <x>, gateway <y>"; customers savvy enough
to want to run their own servers might reasonably be expected to have
the competencies to effect all the changes required. This in turn
might suggest a reason for the paucity of contributions to that wiki
section. Perhaps you're conflating the implications of "renumbering
for clients" with those for "renumbering clients"?