Hi Andy,
I don't think I currently use gocardless (I think I use a standing
order), but would probably switch to it whenever my next payment is as
I'd much prefer the payments to be automatic & correct.
I have absolutely no problem with the system you suggest of bitfolk
basically being able to take what they want, and so long as I don't see
the £5K figure (or whatever) anywhere I think the new behaviour you are
talking about (from the user's point of view) would be what I expect. I
don't see any need to expose the limit to the user or allow them to set
it, that just seems in my option to be an unnecessary complication.
I think I've only ever once had a problem with a direct debit being
taken incorrectly once, about 14 years ago, and the bank refunded it
pretty much instantly. [Just to be clear, bitfolk was not the company in
question :-) ]