On 2019-11-05 11:52+0000, Andy Smith wrote:
Which static site generator do you like? Which have
you tried?
I've used a few. Some better than others. For one site I use jbake:
It is quite good, it can process markdown and asciidoc.
For another site I use my own python, which is mostly just 'import
markdown' and reads a list of files to process on stdin. This doesn't
allow for fancy things like sitemaps or RSS that you would get from the
vast majority of what's on the market.
I did use PubTal in the past, it didn't use MarkDown, but it was fun at
the time to have absolute control of the output. That isn't what I want
these days though.
Here's a good list of static python generators.
At a previous job the customer used Movable Type, which although gets
some negative feedback, it does have dynamic and static generation. I
don't use it personally, though.
There's good reason to use static generators. At the previous company,
plenty of times I'd get paged because IP sources in China had found
something on the site that took a little longer to respond than other
content. They'd then send the full weight of their bot nets upon it.
The small hassle upfront is worth it. Plus it's pretty simple to store
in git.
Best regards,