Hi Mike,
On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 07:20:04PM +0100, Mike Zanker wrote:
2015-08-29 19:13:11 Attempting keyboard-interactive
2015-08-29 19:13:11 Server refused keyboard-interactive authentication
What time zone are the above log entries in please? Because
interestingly I see absolutely nothing related to you trying to log
in, around 19:13 UTC nor 18:13 UTC that day.
I do see something at 11:24 UTC that day though.
Do you have a password saved in PuTTY or are you typing it each
Thing is as far as I know, "Server refused keyboard-interactive
authentication" just means you got the password wrong…
You may have to ask on a PuTTY list about this.
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