Hi Graeme,
I wouldn't worry about it - even the best of us forget these kind of
things from time to time! I don't know what difference there is
between Debian and Ubuntu, but this is how you do it in Ubuntu as far
as I know:
/etc/bind/named.conf.local is for your zone information, so something like this:
zone "simmo.gs" {
type master;
zone "db.simmo.gs";
/etc/bind/db.simmo.gs is the file containing your NS, A, etc. records:
simmo.gs. IN SOA ns.simmo.gs you.simmo.gs. (
20100111 ; Serial
; Defaults below as far as I'm aware!
180m ; Refresh after 3 hours
10m ; retry after 10 mins
1w ; expire after
1h ; negative caching TTL
; Nameservers
IN NS ns.simmo.gs.
; Hosts
ns IN A x.x.x.x ; replace that with NS IP address
www IN A x.x.x.x ; replace with your webserver IP address
That's probably the most basic config you can get away. It might or
might not work - hopefully if I've missed something out, someone will
correct me!
2010/1/11 Graeme Simpson <graeme(a)butterware.co.uk>uk>:
Hi Bitfolks,
I've just signed up to Bitfolk and could do with a bit of assistance with
I've signed up for a couple of domain names with
godaddy.com. I've bought
simmo.gs and goodwithwords.eu.
I'm not certain of the order I should be doing things and the configuration
I should be setting up on my debian vps box.
Does anyone have any guidance they could offer? Or even a sample zone file
that I could copy.
I have done this sort of thing before, but it's been a while and I appear to
have forgotten swathes. I won't be offended to be treated like a numpty!
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