[originally just to Andy but I thought it might be of general interest]
Hi Andy,
I am thinking of upgrading my VPS to Lenny and was wondering what you
think the easiest, or least downtime, option would be.
I suppose either;
0) Do a dist-upgrade - is this liable to work like a charm?
1) Back-up the server and get you to put a fresh Lenny image up that I
then go and configure as I want.
2) Take a fresh Lenny image off your hands, configure it and send it
back to you to replace the current Etch image.
3) Create my own Lenny image and send it to you.
I have not administered a Xen host before so I was wondering what your
recommendation would be?
I'm quite happy to play with Xen, that's not an issue.
I'm really wondering whether there are any bitfolk-specific things that
you've done to the images that mean taking one off your hands and
configuring it would be more useful than sending you my own that I build
from a default Lenny install?