Hi Michael,
The old nameserver names have been working for years and I expect
them to continue to work for years to come, so I would rank changing
them as a very low priority for you. Basically get everything else
working first is my advice.
Since you are currently in a known-working state, you can avoid
problems by setting up the new DNS server and querying it to check
that it has the records you expect. *Only then* would you instruct
BitFolk to get your zone from your new server rather than your
current one.
On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 10:46:30AM -0400, Michael Corliss wrote:
Part of this process also involves changing the
nameservers from Bitfolks
old servers to their new ones. My registrar currently has the old ones,
would it make sense add the three new ones to my zone file, then have my
registrar update to the new ones, and then remove the old ones? I'm
hoping to avoid as much downtime as possible, and there's a lag between
requesting the change from my registrar and the change actually being
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