Andy Smith wrote:
A number of people have a violent anti-reaction to Paypal and Google
Checkout and the perceived lack of "direct" payment facilities puts
them off and makes Bitfolk look less professional.
The only violent anti-reaction I have is to the requirement to create
*yet another* account just to pay a bloody bill! Most companies don't
seem to get the fact that I don't *want* to enter a long-term
relationship with them, I just want to buy some stuff and be on my way.
I've lost count of the number of sites at which I've filled my basket,
then just walked away when the checkout insists I create an account with
them. It's easier to take my custom elsewhere. Can you imagine the
hassle if high-street stores required you to become a member before
buying anything?
In Bitfolk's case I don't mind so much, because I *am* entering a
long-term service relationship, and also because I do happen to have
both Paypal and Google Checkout accounts. I would still be quite irked,
though, if Bitfolk moved to Foobar Checkout who required me to create
*another* account.
Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant there. Moving on...
Chris Smith <cjs94(a)>