I have two VPS on bitfolk. The first one I didn't know I needed a
dedicated IP address, so had to order it and patched it in by editing
/etc/netplan/*.yaml as shown on…
I added the - "x.x.x.x/32" (dedicated ip) underneath the -
(VPS default IP) and did not use the "tab" ley because yaml didn't like
I did a xen console shutdown and boot. The IP address shows up when
logging in the MOTD and in "ip a" successfully.
However, the dedicated IP address will not ping from outside, but the
default will. I have disabled ufw and still no network access.
On the second VPS, it was setup with dedicated IP address initially. So
both IPs are usable, ping from internet traffic and can be used. The
/etc/netplan/*.yaml on both installs is setup absolutely similar, showing
that my "patching" was correct usage.
Any help would be appreciated! I have never added an interface to a live