Hi Joseph,
On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 02:10:26PM +0100, Joseph Heenan wrote:
time t: new ips become available
time t+4 weeks: customers told in advance that backups & nagios will
change to new IPs on this date, and they should ensure they have both IPs
running if they don't want failures.
That is a good idea. I think you're right that there is some value
in pre-announcing the date at which the monitoring will flip to only
using people's new IPs, and one month sounds like a decent time.
So something like:
time t:
Renumbering is announced, plus instructions.
DNS secondaries set to check both old and new IPs as masters.
time t+(at least 1 month):
Nagios monitoring switches to using new IPs only. Lots of alerts
start being sent out, but renumbering your VPS makes them go
It is also possible for customers to log in to Nagios web
interface and "acknowledge" an alert, which makes it stop firing
until the state changes, e.g. until you fix it. Instructions
will be provided.
Those running a DNS server on their VPS and having BitFolk do
secondary DNS would now start getting alerts for tcp/53,
although it will actually still work due to having both sets of
IP addresses as masters.
time t+(at least 3 months):
Old IP addresses are no longer routed.
Regarding backups:
Throughout this period we would be checking who has enabled
their new IPs, and if they have backups configured we would be
reconfiguring them to work with the new IPs.
As long as there's a period of at least a few days between
enabling new IPs and disabling old ones, there should be no
reason why people's backups would fail. Any that do start to
fail will be picked up by us and we'll try the obvious thing of
trying with new IP address, before opening a support ticket with
Finally, anyone who is particularly concerned about their
backups should open a support ticket to get them reconfigured,
after they've enabled their new IPs but before they've disabled
the old ones.
Slightly woolly timings as I can't promise to be able to stick to a
specific date - "no earlier than" timings are usually okay.
This plan seems to avoid most likely cases of having to have actual
one-to-one conversations about it. :)
http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting