Re: [bitfolk] Networking issue

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Author: Andy Smith
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New-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] Mailman Was Networking issue
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Networking issue

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gpg: aka "Andrew James Smith <>" [unknown]
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gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Cernio Technology Cooperative) <>" [unknown]

[ Quoted in full since was intended for the list. By the way if you
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is a version of it that does have it set: ]

On Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 06:30:07PM +0100, Steve Harriss wrote:
> On 03/06/2020 17:38, Andy Smith wrote:
> >Hi Steve,
> >
> >On Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 05:30:55PM +0100, Steve Harriss wrote:
> >>Any ideas as to the best approach to fix this properly please and
> >>any idea what I could have done to wreak such havoc?
> >I'm finding it hard to identify what is your actual concrete problem
> >at present. Would I be right in saying that it's:
> >
> >1) resolvconf doesn't put the nameserver IPs that you listed in
> >    /etc/network/interfaces into the /etc/resolv.conf file, so you
> >    have to put them in some other file that resolvconf reads
> Precisely
> >and

> >
> >2) Your VM boots with no default route set?
> Strangely, yes
> >
> >resolvconf seems not useful on a server so the first thing I would
> >do is remove it and put the nameserver IPs statically in
> >/etc/resolv.conf.
> That's the sort of advice I was after. I'll remove resolvconf and see how
> that goes.
> I was more concerned with how the installation, configuration and removal of
> one program could cause such alterations to a working server setup and was
> looking for any ideas and to avoid it again.

Well installing resolvconf messes about with your /etc/resolv.conf
and any syntax error in /etc/network/interfaces can prevent
interfaces and routes being brought up correctly. But they're just
guesses and I could easily be wrong.


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